李政雄 老師

李政雄 老師


  • 國立台灣科技大學 管理研究所 EDBA 博士


  • 致理科技大學 國際貿易系 教授
  • 東吳大學 企業管理系 兼任教授


  • 致理科技大學 國際貿易系 助理教授/副教授
  • 台聚集團  資材規劃處  採購部
  • 台灣玻璃工業()公司  董事長室  採購部
  • 台灣新學友書局  編輯部



  • 生產與作業管理 / 排程理論
  • 國際採購 / 全球運籌與物流管理


  • Zhi-Ming Chen, Cheng-Hsiung Lee*, and Hung-Lin Lai (2022, November). Speedup the optimization of maximal closure of a node-weighted directed acyclic graph. OPSEARCH. 59(4), 1413–1437. (Scopus) MOST 108-2410-H-263-008-
  • Zhi-Ming Chen, Cheng-Hsiung Lee*, and Yu-Feng Lin (2022, June). Minimize pruning cost of a node-weighted directed acyclic graph on applications of management. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 40(1), 18–26.  (EI)
  • Cheng-Hsiung Lee* (2018, June). A dispatching rule and a random iterated greedy metaheuristic for identical parallel machine scheduling to minimize total tardiness. International Journal of Production Research, 56(6), 2292–2308. (SCI, 2017 Impact Factor: 2.623) MOST 104-2410-H-263-002-
  • Cheng-Hsiung Lee*, Hung-Lin Lai, and Jinshyang Roan (2017, October). An optimal inventory model with partial backorders and diminishing demand rate. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 28(4), 326–335. (EI)
  • Cheng-Hsiung Lee* (2017, August). A new discrete electromagnetism-like mechanism algorithm for identical parallel machine scheduling problem with eligibility constraints in metal nuts manufacturing. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42(8), 3609–3620. (SCI, 2017 Impact Factor: 1.092)
  • Chao-Tang Tseng, Cheng-Hsiung Lee*, Yuan-Shyi Peter Chiu, and Wei-Te Lu (2017, April). A discrete electromagnetism-like mechanism for parallel machine scheduling under a grade of service provision. International Journal of Production Research, 55(11), 3149–3163. (SCI, 2016 Impact Factor: 2.325)
  • Chao-Tang Tseng, and Cheng-Hsiung Lee* (2017, March). A new electromagnetism-like mechanism for identical parallel machine scheduling with family setup times. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 89(5), 1865–1874. (SCI, 2016 Impact Factor: 2.209)
  • Ching-Jong Liao, Cheng-Hsiung Lee*, and Wan-Yin Chen (2017, February). A hybrid tabu search algorithm for the variable periodic vehicle routing problem. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42(2), 513–535. (SCI, 2016 Impact Factor: 0.865)
  • Ching-Jong Liao, Cheng-Hsiung Lee*, and Hsing-Tzu Tsai (2016, July). Scheduling with multi-attribute set-up times on unrelated parallel machines. International Journal of Production Research, 54(16), 4839–4853. (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.693) NSC103-2410-H-263-001-
  • Ching-Jong Liao, Cheng-Hsiung Lee*, and Hong-Chieh Lee (2015). An efficient heuristic for a two-stage assembly scheduling problem with batch setup times to minimize makespan. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 88, 317–325. (SCI, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.783)
  • Cheng-Hsiung Lee, Ching-Jong Liao*, and Chien-Wen Chao (2014). Unrelated parallel machine scheduling with dedicated machines and common deadline. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 74, 161–168.  (SCI, 2013 Impact Factor: 1.690)
  • Cheng-Hsiung Lee, Ching-Jong Liao*, and Tsui-Ping Chung (2014). Scheduling with multi-attribute setup times on two identical parallel machines. International Journal of Production Economics,153, 130–138. (SCI, 2014 Impact Factor: 2.752)
  • Cheng-Hsiung Lee, Ching-Jong Liao*, and Chien-Wen Chao (2012). Scheduling with multi-attribute setup times. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63, 494–502. (SCI, 2012 Impact Factor: 1.516)


  • 王珍一、林明宣、林郁芬、*李政雄,「採購策略與供應商關係對採購績效之影響:泰國台商製造業之研究」,致理學報,第39 (民國 10811)pp. 311–354
  • *李政雄、何佳純、賴虹霖,「台灣傳統產業生產網絡轉移及跨國營運管理之個案分析- 以越南C公司為例」,致理學報,第38(民國 10711)pp. 135–174



  • Cheng-Hsiung Lee, and Chao-Tang Tseng* (2015). “Unrelated parallel machine scheduling with dedicated machine constraints for minimizing total tardiness.” The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science, Jul. 22–24. Tokyo, Japan. (CD-ROM)
  • Ching-Jong Liao, Cheng-Hsiung Lee*, Hsing-Tzu Tsai, and Wu, K. J. (2014). Scheduling with multi-attribute setup times on unrelated parallel machines, Proceedings of the 15th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, Jeju, Korea. (CD-ROM)
  • Cheng-Hsiung Lee, Ching-Jong Liao*, and Tsui-Ping Chung (2012). Scheduling with multi-attribute setup times in polyvinyl chloride leather plant. Proceedings of the 13th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Phuket, Thailand. (CD-ROM)
  • Cheng-Hsiung Lee, Jinshyang Roan*, and C. M. Lee (2005). An optimal inventory model with partial backorders, Proceedings of the 34th Southwestern Decision Sciences Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, USA. (CD-ROM)NSC 92-2416-H-031-003


  • 劉佳怡、黃卡秦、*李政雄,「企業永續經營以綠色採購為導向之個案」,2022 新南向區域商貿國際學術研討會-永續經營(ESG)願景,新北市,202210月。
  • 李政雄*阮金祥,「允許部份缺貨候補之最佳存貨模型」,管理大趨勢研討會論文集,台北,pp. 238–253200411月。


  • 李政雄,計畫主持人,行政院科技部專題研究計畫。計畫名稱: 加速最佳化於加權有向無環圖之最大封閉域及其在管理上的應用 (MOST 108-2410-H-263-008-),執行期限: 2019/08/01~2020/07/31
  • 李政雄,計畫主持人,行政院科技部專題研究計畫。計畫名稱: 台式餐廳求解等待時間變異最小化之出菜排程問題 (MOST 105-2410-H-263-003-),執行期限: 2016/08/01~2017/07/31
  • 李政雄,計畫主持人,行政院科技部專題研究計畫。計畫名稱: 聚乙烯工廠中總延遲最小化且具有專用機台限制之非等效平行機排程問題 (MOST 104-2410-H-263-002 -),執行期限: 2015/08/01~2016/07/31
  • 李政雄,計畫主持人,行政院國科會專題研究計畫。計畫名稱: 聚氯乙烯膠皮工廠中總延遲時間最小化之排程問題 (NSC 103-2410-H-263-001-),執行期限: 2014/01/01~2014/12/31


  • 李政雄,協同主持人,持續性稽核之各項應用可行性探索-第五期計畫,傑克商業自動化股份有限公司,2022/8/01~2023/7/31
  • 李政雄,協同主持人,持續性稽核之各項應用可行性探索-第四期計畫,傑克商業自動化股份有限公司,2021/7/10~2022/7/31
  • 李政雄,協同主持人,持續性稽核之各項應用可行性探索-第三期計畫,傑克商業自動化股份有限公司,2020/9/15~2021/9/30
  • 李政雄,協同主持人,持續性稽核之各項應用可行性探索-第二期計畫,傑克商業自動化股份有限公司,2019/8/08~2020/7/31
  • 李政雄,協同主持人,持續性稽核之各項應用可行性探索,傑克商業自動化股份有限公司,2018/6/01~2019/5/31
  • 李政雄,協同主持人,以區間值模糊數應用於購置企業資源規劃系統之決策分析,益崧科技股份有限公司,2014/7/21~2015/2/28
  • 李政雄,協同主持人,中小企業委外記帳與簽證之效益評估--以廣晉紡織為例,廣晉紡織有限公司,2014/1/29~2015/1/28


Referee for "Computers & Industrial Engineering""Computers & Operations Research"


  • 企業電子化資料分析師合格證書。財團法人電腦技能基金會,20158月。
  • 『基礎採購檢定 Accredited Purchasing Specialist, A.P.S.』,證書編號: 03719。社團法人中華採購與供應管理協會。201711月。
  • 商業智慧規劃師。中華企業資源規劃學會,20199月。


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電 話:(02) 2257-6167 #1792
